12. Ear, Nose and Oropharynx - guidance
To access BNF Formulary section click on the link under BNF Section/s
To access the Guidance Document click on the highlighted text under the Title column
Use documents past their review date with Caution
BNF Section/s | Title | Issuing Body | Date of Issue | Update Due |
12.2.3 | Allergic Rhinitis - Allergic Rhinitis management in Primary care | Medway & Swale CCG | Jan 2019 |
Nov 2020
12.1.3 | Acute Otitis media - Otitis media (acute): antimicrobial prescribing NG91 | NICE | Mar 22 | - |
- First Line Choice
- On Formulary
- Specialist Initiation Only
- Hospital Only
- KMPT Initiation Only