Medway Community Healthcare Medway NHS Trust Foundation Trust
Medway Clinical Commissioning Group Swale Clinical Commissioning Group

7.6.3 Vaginal Atrophy

For Kent and Medway Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Prescribing Guidelines click here (pdf)

From September 2022, Gina® (estradiol) 10 microgram vaginal tablets (low-dose oestrogen) can be purchased over the counter (OTC) without a prescription after consultation with a pharmacist; following an MHRA consultation resulting in reclassification. They can be used by postmenopausal women (who have not had a period for >1 year) aged 50 years and above. Other brands of estradiol vaginal tablets remain prescription-only (see below for brands/formulary status).

OTC non-hormonal vaginal moisturisers and lubricants can be purchased OTC at pharmacies and supermarkets (e.g., Replens MD®, Yes VM®) and are not recommended for prescribing on an NHS FP10 prescription in Kent and Medway.

80 gram

Preferred cost-effective estriol vaginal cream

15 gram
  • First Line Choice
  • On Formulary
  • Specialist Initiation Only
  • Hospital Only
  • KMPT Initiation Only